GroupMinder - Making group travel easy
GroupMinder & ClientBase

ClientBase users can pass client data into the GroupMinder reservation system for making a group booking, then import trip reservation and payment details back to ClientBase via Live Connect. Below is some basic information regarding how to use the two systems together to manage groups. These instructions assume that you have a basic understanding of using Res cards within ClientBase. The first step is to set up GroupMinder as a Live Connect Vendor.

Setting up your Group in ClientBase (CB)

*   Follow instructions for setting up your group as outlined in Trams documentation to determine whether you will be “accounting as departing” or “accounting as payments are received”.

*   Please disregard any mention of setting up inventory records, and selling inventory within CB, as you will be building and selling your groups directly in GroupMinder, and using the GroupMinder inventory tracking system.

*   The Group field within the Res Card is what will ultimately tie all the invoices together in CB for Trams Back Office. The Group code will be determined by the Group administrator.

It is recommended that you modify Required Res Card fields in Global Defaults for the Group field to be Optional –this will at least prompt the agent to enter prior to saving the res card. It should not be required as that will mandate that even non-group res cards have a group field.


Setting up your Trip (Event) in GroupMinder

*   Enter all necessary preliminary information for your event

*   Build the event, making sure that the Event Code in GroupMinder and the Group Code in CB are the same.

*   When you are ready to sell, activate your Event and Allocate inventory to sell.

GroupMinder will provide complete training on how to build events, as well as a comprehensive user manual for reference.

New Bookings

*   Create or access customer profile in CB and ADD a new Res Card.

*   Click on Live Connect and enter your username and password to connect with the GroupMinder Database. This will pass the standard profile information to GroupMinder for ease in making a reservation.

*   Create the reservation by advancing through the GroupMinder booking screens and saving the reservation.

*   Upon completion – import reservation back into CB.

-  Note: if multiple passengers with individual profiles exist within CB – you may want to modify amounts and use the copy and paste function within CB to copy a res card into another profile.

-  Note: at this point – you would either create a voucher for client payment OR invoice within CB.This is based on how you will handle accounting for your groups.


If changes need to be made within the GroupMinder reservation (i.e. adding/deleting option items) follow these steps:

    1. Go to the GroupMinder website directly to make the necessary changes (make a note of the reservation number before exiting GM)
    2. Go to CB, access the Res, click on Live Connect and Import the existing reservation using the GroupMinder reservation number.
    3. CB will show updated information – verify and modify within CBPlus as needed

If additional payments are processed within GroupMinder, but no changes made to the reservation, there is no need to re-import. You would process the payment directly in CB by either creating a voucher or creating an invoice for the amount paid.


Follow the procedures within GroupMinder to Cancel the booking. In CB, change your status from active to cancelled as you would any other Live Connect booking. Follow procedures within your specific office for advising accounting of cancellation.